Real Time Web Analytics Blog: About Composition of tomatoes and health benefits from eating tomatoes.

среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

About Composition of tomatoes and health benefits from eating tomatoes.

About Composition of tomatoes and health benefits from eating tomatoes.

The health of the population is subject to a nutritionally balanced tomatoes in a special place. They are a source of vitamins, minerals easily assimilated, with direct influence on metabolism and food digestion processes. Low consumption or lack of vegetables in winter (November to May) dezichilibrează default nutrition and the human body is forced to feed only with products rich in animal protein, fat and clucide of bread. Therefore tomatoes researches carried out show that the force (in heated greenhouses), can contribute substantially to the elimination of the above mentioned deficiencies. Clearly tomatoes should not miss on the table in winter.
Unlike greenhouse vegetable consumption, per capita of 15 kg in the Netherlands in our country after 1989 consumption fell from 2.3 kg in the winter, to 0.2 kg in 2002. Of course winter vegetables in the highest percentage they have tomatoes and cucumbers. If we think that in the future, consumption will grow greenhouse vegetables several times, investing in a greenhouse for growing tomatoes and other vegetables complementary, it is very profitable.
A portion of the tomato will produce greenhouse can sell for export at good prices that 350-550 euros / tonne of tomatoes.
It follows from the results that arable farm vegetable can be exploited best by setting emissions instalitii equipped with drip irrigation, air conditioning and heating performance. so you can get two cycles of tomatoes a year. Effective agricultural holding will increase due to the use of technologies and advanced equipment. Itself reduce losses, which is another goal of the project investment is a direct increase efficiency.
Given the limited resources it is increasingly emphasized imposing a rationing losses of any nature. In this regard will adapt a system for heating greenhouses and cheap equipment, thus reducing heating costs.
It will use greenhouses to produce extratimpurie using agro-energy and the first solar energy. It will use domestic and external marketing and will resume export quality vegetables in cold sezomul the year.
Diversification of production provides greater stability societatiii trade, without which they would be able to maintain its market position and would not broad workload.
Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetable species in our country. This is due to the fact that they can be consumed in many different ways: fresh, lettuce simple or mixed with other vegetables, as prepared in soups, sauces, pots, tomatoes stuffed etc., industrial processes in the form of paste, broth, canned, plain or spicy juices etc.
Tomatoes grown in greenhouses need attention in terms of the irrigation system. Tomatoes have a high food value due to the content of fruit across the core, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, K), salts (iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorous, fluorine), sugars, aminioacizi and organic acids.
From the resulting output may be obtained from one hectare 2660 kg total dry substance, sugars, 1384 kg, 1444 kg crude protein, minerals 228 kg and 10 kg ascorbic acid. Because of the excess base acts physiologically alkalizing tomatoes, which is favorable to the human body.
Average yields / ha under greenhouse conditions, are 446.6 t / ha in the Netherlands, 333.3 t / ha in Belgium, 275.1 t / ha in Finland, 150.5 t / ha in Germany.
According to the income and expenditure budgets, revenue is expected to tomato like this, an area of 0.2 ha;
·   Average production sold 40000 kg
·   Net income 100 000 lei;
·   and at least 70% of total production valued obtained by the sale-purchase;
In estimating operating income has been considered the scenario where production will be sold through producer groups. Thus we can predict an increase in revenues up 5%. As you increase the workload will increase proportionally and releasing an operating surplus revenues higher.
T ot income can be mentioned in the direct payments and national complementary and support for stimulating the production of greenhouse tomatoes.

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