Real Time Web Analytics Blog: Information about setting up and managing the process of plant emissions on agricultural land.

среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Information about setting up and managing the process of plant emissions on agricultural land.

Greenhouses and solariums supeintensive modern cultivation. Increasing greenhouse planterol intensively.

Lately, superintensive tomato crops is gaining interest, especially due to the construction of new greenhouses, modern control and routing possibilities factors vegetation. It is estimated that the potential for production in such greenhouses, a prolonged culture of tomato (11 months) reaches about 62-65 kg / sqm.

In terms of construction, modern production areas are covered with glass or polyethylene film, with ridge height approx. 6-6.5 m, with features that monitor weather conditions, fertilization computerized practice ground culture systems etc.
Another, not negligible in the achievement of this production is the degree of illumination to the plants or its equivalent in energy, which was estimated to be optimal at about 1500 Joules / cm ?.
Watering and fertilization program optimization can be achieved based on this parameter computer, as well as thermal regime, to be permanently correlated with light. Given that the cost of heat in cold weather are decisive in determining the price of production it is very important to take all measures that may contribute to their reduction.
With little light
In periods with insufficient light is already the solution application of foliar or irrigation water with a product that is based on the 5-aminolevulinic acid (Pentakeep) which increases the content of chlorophyll in leaves, but also a higher resistance of plants to cold, and tolerance also higher in salts of the substrate.

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