Real Time Web Analytics Blog: Irrigation systems of crops in the greenhouse and the type of drip irrigation.

среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Irrigation systems of crops in the greenhouse and the type of drip irrigation.

Irrigation systems:

Drip irrigation consists in distributing on the surface of the culture of small amounts of water in a long period of time. It is successfully used both in open field as well as in protected areas (greenhouses, tunnels, low tunnels ...) and presents a number of advantages:

  • 50 percent conserving water compared to other types of irrigation
  • creating conditions favorable moisture and soil gas
  • successfully managing fertilizers
  • soil moisture regime may be metered easily to the demands of the plant
  • reducing water loss by evaporation and seepage
  • earlier fruit entering the plant
  • compared with other methods of watering obtain significant production increases
  • relative humidity does not influence risk diminishing the development of diseases and pests
  • opportunity process automation system operation
  • compared to sprinkler irrigation requires low power consumption.

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