Recommendations for the cultivation of vegetables in hothouses and greenhouses and production methods of heating and greenhouse.
Winter was not too rough for gardeners.
In these circumstances they could perform specific work well in
hothouses and greenhouses - collecting all debris, soil insecticides and
plant skeleton treatments carried out on the ground for pests and
diseases in the soil that would puteapersista. Spaţiileprotejate vegetable growers already planted lettuce, spinach, onions and garlic. By acestmoment, well vegetated cultures but must be maintained.
How to maintain the microclimate in greenhouses? A prerequisite for plant growth parameters optimieste providing a suitable microclimate. According to Ms FloareaBurnichi, scientific director at the Research Station - Vegetable Dezvoltarepentru Buzau to protect culturilorlegumicole using multiple methods. First, it is well izoleazăfoarte structure, depending on the material of the construităsera or solar or polycarbonate or glass, that is, whether the air bag defoliation. In addition, it is necessary double walls with folie.Un Another important element are tunnels which basically creates layers deaerated. In this way, the air heats up more easily and get odublă protection. If you have multiple compartments on both parts occurring doubles foil walls. This will lead to an extra decinci degrees relative cloudiness conditions. It is recommended, also a slight breather particularly sunny days.
How we produce seedlings? During this period of the year kicks off production derăsaduri bags for early crops. It is important to establish how these cultures pregătimsolul. First, we must avemmaterialele with which to prepare the seedbed. The sowing directly into the seedbed can fifăcut or pallet well. Floarea Burnichi, scientific director at the Research Station - pentruLegumicultură Buzau Development recommends that seedbed to fiepregătit a mixture of soil, garden soil, peat and some sand for proper aeration. How do we proceed? Prepare a patgros about ten centimeters in the space where we decided that we produce seedlings, then we looked after it gained dezinsecţiasolului and properly leveled. It is importantăaceastă leveling the ground for watering the seed semănăturii to facăcorespunzător and "not run", i.e. no differences larăsărit. It can even use a spirit level to have a properly terennivelat board or right, well rounded. Dupăaceastă work is sowing. Mrs. Flower Burnichirecomandă Romanian vegetable seeds for flavor and calitateaacestora, but also for affordability. There offset foreign hybrids, but attention to what you cultivate, because if not fosttestaţi the climatic conditions of our country can be surprizasă not behave properly.
Sowing under optimeVarza early and cauliflower must have already been sown. In lunafebruarie start early sowing tomatoes, eggplants, peppers paprika Grassi. In protected areas sown also salata.După what we sow we must properly coated depământ, peat sand or garden soil. It is preferable to folosimturba because it is already sterile and removed from home several factoricare could lead to illness seedlings. Fiefoarte layer should not be thicker, so that the seed can rise to moisture and corespunzător.Atenţie mole cricket! Excessive moisture can conducela illness or plant seed rot, and mind coropişniţelepot I seed bed. During this period esteimportant to supply us with trays and pallets alveolar unless amsemănat directly on pallets, so we prick when careplantele reached four-leaf stage, two încădouă cotyledon and true leaf.
How to maintain the microclimate in greenhouses? A prerequisite for plant growth parameters optimieste providing a suitable microclimate. According to Ms FloareaBurnichi, scientific director at the Research Station - Vegetable Dezvoltarepentru Buzau to protect culturilorlegumicole using multiple methods. First, it is well izoleazăfoarte structure, depending on the material of the construităsera or solar or polycarbonate or glass, that is, whether the air bag defoliation. In addition, it is necessary double walls with folie.Un Another important element are tunnels which basically creates layers deaerated. In this way, the air heats up more easily and get odublă protection. If you have multiple compartments on both parts occurring doubles foil walls. This will lead to an extra decinci degrees relative cloudiness conditions. It is recommended, also a slight breather particularly sunny days.
How we produce seedlings? During this period of the year kicks off production derăsaduri bags for early crops. It is important to establish how these cultures pregătimsolul. First, we must avemmaterialele with which to prepare the seedbed. The sowing directly into the seedbed can fifăcut or pallet well. Floarea Burnichi, scientific director at the Research Station - pentruLegumicultură Buzau Development recommends that seedbed to fiepregătit a mixture of soil, garden soil, peat and some sand for proper aeration. How do we proceed? Prepare a patgros about ten centimeters in the space where we decided that we produce seedlings, then we looked after it gained dezinsecţiasolului and properly leveled. It is importantăaceastă leveling the ground for watering the seed semănăturii to facăcorespunzător and "not run", i.e. no differences larăsărit. It can even use a spirit level to have a properly terennivelat board or right, well rounded. Dupăaceastă work is sowing. Mrs. Flower Burnichirecomandă Romanian vegetable seeds for flavor and calitateaacestora, but also for affordability. There offset foreign hybrids, but attention to what you cultivate, because if not fosttestaţi the climatic conditions of our country can be surprizasă not behave properly.
Sowing under optimeVarza early and cauliflower must have already been sown. In lunafebruarie start early sowing tomatoes, eggplants, peppers paprika Grassi. In protected areas sown also salata.După what we sow we must properly coated depământ, peat sand or garden soil. It is preferable to folosimturba because it is already sterile and removed from home several factoricare could lead to illness seedlings. Fiefoarte layer should not be thicker, so that the seed can rise to moisture and corespunzător.Atenţie mole cricket! Excessive moisture can conducela illness or plant seed rot, and mind coropişniţelepot I seed bed. During this period esteimportant to supply us with trays and pallets alveolar unless amsemănat directly on pallets, so we prick when careplantele reached four-leaf stage, two încădouă cotyledon and true leaf.
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